You can enhance your body detoxification system by eating foods that help cleanse the body and boost its power.
Toxins and excess fluids are among the worst enemies of the body because they cause illnesses, weight problems, and lack of energy. The body has its natural detoxification system that removes excess toxins and fluids.
The following are seven detox foods that you should include in your daily diet.
1. Garlic - For thousands of years, garlic has been known for its health benefits. True enough, garlic does wonders to the body. It cleanses the blood, boosts production of detox enzymes in the liver, and helps lower blood pressure. You can eat it raw or add it to any dish. Garlic supplements are also a good option for detoxification.
2. Green Tea - You can get your daily dose of antioxidants from green tea. Your body needs an ample supply of antioxidants to be able to flush out toxins, and green tea does the job well. Green tea contains catechins, a special antioxidant that enhances the detox function of the liver.
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3. Fruits - Because fruits have high water content, they are a great asset in washing out toxins from the body. Fresh, dried, or frozen, fruits contain other elements essential for body detox such as vitamin C and antioxidants. For an efficient body detox, it is recommended that you eat fruits on their own not as part of a meal and before or after meals.
4. Green Leafy Vegetables - Plants are not the only ones that need chlorophyll for survival. Humans as well need chlorophyll to eliminate toxins that come from environmental factors such as cleaning products, smog, chemicals, and heavy metals. Chlorophyll helps your liver detoxify your body. What better way to get chlorophyll than eating green leafy vegetables? Your body will definitely thank you for it.
5. Omega-3 Oils - These oils, which can be found in avocado, hemp, olive oil, and flax seeds, make the walls of the intestines lubricated. Such function enables the oil to absorb toxins and be removed from the body.
6. Ginger - This strong-flavored root crop enhances sweating and blood circulation, making it easier for your body to detoxify.
7. Mung Beans - Used in Ayurveda healing system for many years, mung beans absorb toxin deposits on the intestinal walls.
Make body detoxification an easier and more efficient process in your system by making detox foods a part of your daily diet.
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