When you have a senior parent, the concern for their ability to maintain their lifestyle can be a significant worry. Almost without exception, senior citizens resist the idea of moving out of their house and into an assisted living facility or nursing home.
You as a child of a senior citizen may see issues of safety if your aging parent continues to live independently.
* If their spouse has passed on, there may be issues of loneliness and depression.
* Hallways and doors of old homes are often not built to accommodate walkers or wheelchairs.
* The vision of your children’s Grandma or Grandpa falling and being unable to reach you for help is frightening.
* And then there is the financial side of maintaining their home and paying the mortgage if it is still active.
So the question is whether you should try to help your aging parent with moving to an assisted care facility or if it can be worked out for them to stay in their home. There are some compelling reasons to help them stay in the house they have lived in for so long if there are ways to overcome the problems.
Studies show conclusively that senior citizens that live in their own homes are happier and healthier. Your parents may have long lasting friendships in the neighborhood who provide tremendous emotional support and can look in on your parent from time to time to assure they are safe. And the ability to get out in the yard, feed the birds, keep a pet or tend a small garden has untold health benefits both mentally and physically for a senior citizen.
Steps can be taken to provide for the unique needs of a older parents if you want to work with them to keep them in their home. Their family and friends can take on the chores of upkeep of the home, yard work and repairs so the home continues to remain safe and viable as a living space. This also reduces the expenses of home ownership.
It is very likely that from a financial point of view, you can work with your aging parent to reduce the costs of staying in their home. If they still have a mortgage, the outstanding balance may be quite low but the payment still high. By working with the mortgage company, you may be able to refinance the loan to drop the payment considerably and make it more affordable even than living in assisted care or a nursing home.
You can also work with utilities companies and credit sources who may have programs to assist the elderly in owning their own home. By utilizing the resources already in place, you may be able to get your aging parents costs into a reasonable range and help them establish a budget that allow them to live comfortably on social security and whatever retirement funds they have.
You can also find home nursing care and put good technology to use to make it possible for your parent to have quality care in the home and to have the resources to be able to reach out to you in the event of an emergency. Services like these do well at providing for the needs of senior citizens so they can virtually spend the entire remainder of their years living in their home where they are happy.
The key to making all of these steps work is to enlist the partnership of your senior parent. By sitting down with him or her, you can review that keeping them at home is a shared project and that they should do all they can to make this work.
They will be enthusiastic to make that kind of effort and stay in the home they love so much.
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